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Ten Facts about the Arab-Israeli Conflict
  1. Jews have been living in Israel continuously for over 3,000 years.

  2. One quarter of Israeli citizens are not Jewish.

  3. Israel has repeatedly accepted the two state solution.

  4. The Arab-Israeli conflict is not about the occupation.  It's about the existence of Israel.

  5. Arab violence against civilians began long before the occupation.

  6. Palestinian leadership actively supported the Nazis during WWII.

  7. Arab leaders have been abusing the Palestinians for political gain since the beginning of the conflict.

  8. Palestinian children are being brainwashed into hate, martyrdom and genocide.

  9. Palestinians are treated differently than all other refugees.

  10. Israel is treated differently than all other countries.

      Ten Facts about the Arab-Israeli conflict

Ten things you can do to help Israel
  1. Give a gift. Approximately 1/3 of all donations to the Jewish Federation of the Quad Cities go to Israel. These are just a few of the programs and services your gift provides:    Help for the survivors of terror and their families, creating jobs, safe summer environments for Israeli children, and immigration assistance.

  2. Be Aware of what's going on by reading local, national, and international papers.  Go on-line to media web sites, such as,,, or  Send letters to the editor of the Argus/Dispatch or Quad City Times and call local radio shows.  Respond to the media to express your opinions.

  3. Get involved in the local community. Join the Jewish Federation and/or a local synagogue.  In addition, there are non-Jewish organizations that support Israel. 

  4. Increase your prayers.  By praying for Israel and its people, we connect ourselves to our Jewish family and non-Jewish supporters worldwide.  Take a moment each week, in synagogue or church or at home, to concentrate on Israel.  A moment of silence, community or personal prayer, or simply lighting a candle will show that you care.

  5. Buy Israeli products. The Israeli economy is adversely affected by Palestinian terrorism.  To counteract what takes place, we ask you to please consider purchasing Israeli-manufactured products, either in-person or on-line.  Buy Israeli products at the Temple Emanuel gift shop or Tri-City Jewish Center gift shop.

  6. Educate and inform. Talk to your friends, family and work associates.  Tell them that a threat to Israel is a threat to us all and encourage them to contribute to and support the Jewish Federation.   Host informal parlor meetings for colleagues and friends who are less involved, less informed, or have never been to Israel. All of us are emissaries for Israel and all of us know such people.  Take a class on Israel either locally or on-line, and read books, magazines, and newspapers about Israel. 

  7. Be an advocate. Call, write or email your government representatives, locally, statewide and nationally to express your support for Israel. Phoning is preferable.

  8. Make personal contact.  Call, write or e-mail people in Israel to let them know they are not alone.  Contact The Jewish Federation to assist you in establishing personal relationships.

  9. Travel to Israel.  The people of Israel need you there now.  Whether on a solidarity mission, or by yourself, get on a plane and go to Israel this year.  If you cannot go, please help and encourage others to go.

  10. Participate in a variety of events to publicly show your support.

Watch the
"Cool Facts about Israel"
Watch the
"Israel: Seeing Is Believing"

Jewish Federation of the Quad Cities

2215 East Kimberly Road

Davenport, IA  52807   

Tel: 309.793.1300


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